Seeing as how this is a personal blog, I figured I would actually post something related to a personal experience I had for a change. My life is pretty boring, generally speaking, so this is somewhat unusual.
I'm an occasional drug user. Yeah, I guess that's not really an amazing revelation. Generally speaking, I only really indulge in cannabis, but I've had the chance to ingest a variety of drugs (except for hard stuff like heroin, cocaine, and all the "bad" drugs that DARE warned me not to even glance at lest I become immediately addicted and destroy not only my life but the lives of everyone within a 20-mile radius of my person.)
For the unaware, the seeds of the morning glory plant contain a chemical called lysergic acid amide. If that sounds somewhat familiar, it's because it is similar in chemical makeup to another substance called lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, a powerful hallucinogen. LSA differs from LSD in a few key ways -- for instance, LSA isn't nearly as powerful as its chemical cousin, and it has more of a sedative effect than LSD, which is a stimulant in addition to a psychedelic.
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The Heavenly Blue variety of the morning glory flower |
Seeing as how LSA is found in the seeds of the morning glory plant (and said seeds can be procured easily, from any lawn-and-garden store), it's not difficult to imagine that people will use it recreationally. Thus, I imagined myself taking LSA in a recreational fashion. A couple of years ago, I purchased a sizable batch of morning glory Heavenly Blue seeds (I believe it was 2,000 or so), anticipating that I would eventually consume them and experience the effects. Below is a recounting of said experience.
I typed this up as a submission to the fantastic Erowid's "trip report" archive. I'm not sure if it will be accepted and lodged into their archives, but I figured I would post it here as well for curious readers of my blog (whatever that small number is.) This is identical to what I submitted, with a few minor formatting changes. The report is after the break.
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Approximately 400 Heavenly Blue seeds |
The Trip Report
What follows is a description of my recent ingestion of morning glory seeds. I was on IRC, in a private channel that my brother and I lurk in, and decided I would provide a running commentary of what I was experiencing while under the influence of said substance. Consequently, the trip report here will be largely culled verbatim from my IRC log file, and I'll add some connective paragraphs here and there to add further details.
6:55 PM: ingestion of 300 seeds.
May 03 18:55:14 [enden] 300 down the esophagus
May 03 19:00:18 [enden] chilled down pretty quickly
May 03 19:00:22 [enden] down to 48
May 03 19:07:13 [enden] should I up the dose?
May 03 19:07:29 [enden] a classic newbie mistake of course
May 03 19:07:50 [enden] just want something a little further past my last experience with it
May 03 19:08:05 [enden] pretty sure I took 250 last time, but maybe it was 300
A couple of years prior to this, I'd taken some morning glory seeds with my brother one night on a lark. I wasn't sure exactly how many I ingested in this case. Thus the speculation.
May 03 19:12:21 [enden] definitely feeling the nausea
I began feeling nauseous at this point. Not overwhelmingly so, but definitely noticeable.
May 03 20:39:18 [enden] feeling something
May 03 20:39:43 [enden] not necessarily pleasant though
May 03 20:43:10 [enden] dilated pupils
I can't recall exactly what I was doing in this time period. I believe I was watching streaming video of a sporting event on my computer. Around this time, I began to notice my mental state changing.
May 03 22:17:14 [enden] well, morning glories are definitely a mind-altering substance
May 03 22:17:27 [enden] maybe not a 100% positive substance, but it definitely alters the mind
May 03 22:17:42 [enden] haven't even hit the peak yet
It was around here that I smoked approximately a bowlful of marijuana.
May 03 22:20:03 [enden] the positivity is definitely enhanced by cannabis
May 03 22:20:28 [enden] tampers your appetite somewhat though
May 03 22:20:40 [enden] guess that might be alleviated by throwing up
May 03 22:20:46 [enden] don't like throwing up though
Now I began to notice visual effects, so I decided to go looking around the Internet for interesting videos to view.
May 03 22:23:45 [enden] these Mandelbrot zooms are pretty sweet
May 03 22:27:05 [enden] have to download this video
May 03 22:27:19 [enden] this plugin is actually decent
May 03 22:27:45 [enden] lets you download a 480p copy of any video on YouTube
May 03 22:29:09 [enden] this is some bullshit
May 03 22:29:21 [enden] have to pay to download higher-quality resolutions
Indeed, the zooms done on the Mandelbrot set are enjoyable to view. Even without mental alteration, they're pretty amazing. (This one is one of my favorites.)
May 03 22:32:24 [enden] minor visual distortions
May 03 22:32:54 [enden] 300 down the esophagus at 18:55
May 03 22:33:13 [enden] so already seeing minor visual distortions 3.5 hours in
May 03 22:33:26 [enden] guess this could be my Erowid experience report
This is where I decide that I'll use my IRC log as a future trip report.
May 03 22:34:43 [enden] if you're reading this, future reader,
be sure to search for a good Mandelbrot zoom video
(on YouTube or otherwise) to enjoy while you're
high on marijuana while also ruminating on the effects
of the morning glory seeds you ingested 3.5 hours previously
May 03 22:36:30 [enden] if you want, mute the video's audio while you listen
to an alternate audio stream, such as from, say, a local music library
May 03 22:38:24 [enden] and if you happen to have type 1 diabetes, don't inject insulin
then realize you're not that hungry (due to said prior seed ingestion)
I have type 1 diabetes, so I have to inject insulin when I consume carbohydrates. This caused me some problems during this experience, since the nausea inhibited my ability to eat after I'd already injected insulin. More on that later.
May 03 22:39:12 [enden] definitely feeling some euphoria
May 03 22:39:32 [enden] a little anxious
May 03 22:39:37 [enden] guessing that comes from the glories
May 03 22:40:57 [enden] the visual are very minor
May 03 22:41:39 [enden] kind of like this weird lens is being overlain across my vision
May 03 22:42:16 [enden] visual distortions, rather
Now I become philosophical.
May 03 22:43:41 [enden] the glories of the modern age
May 03 22:45:31 [enden] listening to a high-quality music stream tailored to my tastes
while simultaneously streaming a video of a Mandelbrot set
being zoomed in on to enhance its recursive properties,
while also streaming a decent-quality feed of a basketball game
May 03 22:46:26 [enden] this is definitely the future,
even if it doesn't have flying cars and utopia
May 03 22:48:32 [enden] this strain of weed works pretty well in tandem with morning glory
May 03 22:49:03 [enden] it's decent weed, but this definitely enhances the euphoric aspects
The marijuana I'd smoked did seem to dampen the nausea, but not entirely. I was feeling pretty good mentally at this point, though. I was feeling some pretty good vibrations.
May 03 22:52:13 [enden] a moment, a minute
May 03 22:52:19 [enden] what's the fucking difference in the end?
May 03 22:54:50 [enden] there have been ~622760000000000000000 moments
since the Earth was formed
May 03 22:55:34 [enden] that's just an approximation,
assuming the estimated age of Earth is ~4.54 billion years
More inane babble.
May 03 22:58:00 [enden] note to reader: if you're currently seated, remain so
May 03 22:58:29 [enden] standing up after you've been sitting for a while
definitely mars the effect
May 03 22:59:00 [enden] damn, I've said a lot in the past 30 minutes or so
May 03 22:59:42 [enden] hopefully this cataloging will assist future substance enjoyers
May 03 23:00:21 [enden] nausea still there
May 03 23:00:40 [enden] you're probably better off not trying to eat a lot
while on morning glories
As I mentioned previously, the nausea dampened the experience a fair amount. If you're able to ingest some anti-nausea medication in conjunction with the glories, that seems like it would be a good idea. Cannabis helped, but it didn't dampen it completely.
May 03 23:01:05 [enden] definitely feeling like I could throw up
if I wanted to hunch over the commode or a sink
May 03 23:01:19 [enden] it's not an intense urge to puke or anything, but it's definitely nausea
May 03 23:02:10 [enden] time distortion is prominent
Time definitely felt like it had slowed down considerably at this point.
May 03 23:05:42 [enden] if only I had something interesting to say here
besides the usual bullshit that drips from my smirking lips
May 03 23:06:12 [enden] alas, that is all I have
May 03 23:08:49 [enden] ok, turning the lights off
May 03 23:08:56 [enden] this is intensifying
May 03 23:09:07 [enden] gonna go lie down for a few minutes
May 03 23:10:50 [enden] this is definitely more intense than the last
morning glory experience I had
This was about the time the trip was nearing its peak. I was feeling like I was close to flying over the edge and reality breaking apart, but I never really seemed to get there. It was an odd feeling. I won't say it was an entirely crappy feeling, but I wouldn't say this part was one that I'd look forward to experiencing on a frequent basis.
May 03 23:13:20 [enden] it looks awesome outside
May 03 23:15:26 [enden] knew I shouldn't have taken that insulin
I was getting worried, because I felt really fucked-up, and when I feel fucked-up, it generally means my blood sugar is low. In this case, as I found out, it wasn't low. The effects of the morning glories (increased heart rate, distorted reality) had given me this false impression. I decided to lie down on my couch and watch some television. I ended up watching Frasier for some reason. I'm not generally a fan of the show, but it did entertain me during this experience.
May 04 01:02:03 [enden] nausea is subsiding a little bit
May 04 01:02:15 [enden] feel like I've plateaued somewhat
May 04 01:02:47 [enden] had to check my blood sugar like 10 times in the past hour
May 04 01:03:04 [enden] because the nausea was making it hard to eat anything
May 04 01:03:24 [enden] then I just started mixing sugar with water and drinking that
May 04 01:04:03 [enden] but like I said, I felt like I was gonna throw that up
May 04 01:04:29 [enden] then I got to the toilet and tried to barf,
only to find myself exhaling air forcefully into the piss-filled bowl
May 04 01:06:27 [enden] 121 mg/dL
May 04 01:06:42 [enden] right in the middle
May 04 01:07:03 [enden] feels like I'm more in the 40 range, though
May 04 01:07:11 [enden] blood-sugar-wise
May 04 01:07:50 [enden] guess that's kind of how I would describe
some of these glory physical effects
May 04 01:08:03 [enden] like having a low blood sugar
As mentioned here, the effects I was experiencing did remind me of the effects I experience during hypoglycemia.
May 04 01:08:33 [enden] damn, I feel a lot better now
May 04 01:08:41 [enden] maybe I'll listen to some more music
May 04 01:10:11 [enden] not saying it's a totally great feeling,
but some of the euphoria seems to be returning
May 04 01:10:38 [enden] partially because of the music surely
I began to feel better after the nausea petered out. I guess this would've been around 5-6 hours in.
May 04 01:15:25 [enden] visual distortions are more prominent
May 04 01:33:46 [enden] kind of alternating between sitting here and lying on the couch
May 04 01:34:09 [enden] sometimes it feels better to sit up,
and other times I just wanna lie down
May 04 01:34:32 [enden] aggravated that I spilled a bunch of sugar all over the place
May 04 01:37:13 [enden] pupils still very dilated
May 04 01:37:41 [enden] got blood on my keyboard from this fingerprick
May 04 01:38:07 [enden] so I'm guessing my blood pressure is elevated
May 04 01:38:21 [enden] usually blood doesn't come out of those pricks that readily
I checked my blood sugar several times during the peak time. There's still some blood residue on my keyboard now from that incident. (Yeah, I'm a slob.)
May 04 01:39:33 [enden] going to watch the Mandelbrot zoom again
and see what the effects are now
May 04 01:40:21 [enden] colors are definitely a lot more vivid
May 04 01:40:29 [enden] not just in the video, but just anything I look at
May 04 01:42:50 [enden] watching this thing makes it clear how recursive reality is
May 04 01:43:42 [enden] it's not a circle of life, really,
more like a circle nested inside a circle that's nested inside a circle,
and on and on till infinity
May 04 01:45:49 [enden] welp, now that we've resolved thousands of years
of philosophical questions, what's the next project?
More armchair pseudo-philosophy.
May 04 01:54:06 [enden] whenever I stand up, my body feels really heavy
May 04 02:07:24 [enden] so, swallowed the last pulpy swallow of these seeds
at 6:55pm, Friday
May 04 02:07:36 [enden] now it's 2:07am, Saturday
May 04 02:08:10 [enden] about 7 hours in
May 04 02:09:27 [enden] definitely feel a lot more relaxed now
At this point, the trip had gone well past its peak, and I was now beginning to feel more at ease. The low-blood-glucose-like symptoms had vanished, and I was beginning to enjoy the minor visual distortions and the slight tinge of euphoria that was still lingering.
I ended up falling asleep about eight hours after the ingestion (so, around 3:00 AM). I woke up later that day and found that my brother had responded in the IRC channel.
May 04 18:11:43 [hardone] Sounds like a fun night compared to mine
May 04 18:14:24 [hardone] Did you submit your trip report?
May 04 20:36:05 [enden] I might do it sometime later
May 04 20:36:50 [enden] got pretty intense around hour 5-6
May 04 20:39:13 [enden] probably wouldn't have been as bad if
I didn't feel like I was gonna throw up
May 04 20:39:53 [enden] kept worrying that if I threw up, my blood sugar
would go down and I might get too fucked up to bring it back up
May 04 20:40:06 [hardone] Yeah, I hate nausea
May 04 20:40:45 [enden] I started eating a big thing of mac and cheese,
then realized I couldn't finish it
May 04 20:41:01 [enden] if I didn't eat anything, it probably would've gone a lot better
May 04 20:41:44 [enden] guess the weed gave me a false sense of nausea security
This is just a post-trip back-and-forth with my brother.
May 04 20:43:21 [enden] reality wasn't melting or anything like that,
but it felt like I was on the cusp of it a few times
May 04 20:43:49 [enden] had to keep bringing myself back to reality
by looking back at the TV screen
May 04 20:44:49 [hardone] So it was pretty close to acid I guess
May 04 20:45:03 [enden] dunno
May 04 20:45:10 [enden] never had acid
May 04 20:45:50 [enden] the walls looked almost like they were made of water
May 04 20:46:24 [enden] that Mandelbrot zoom was definitely pretty freaky
May 04 20:46:49 [enden] I had to shut it off because it felt like I was gonna
get sucked into its vortex
May 04 20:47:39 [enden] about hour 7, the nausea died down and I felt a lot better about it
May 04 20:47:43 [enden] then I was enjoying it more
May 04 20:48:10 [enden] my blood pressure must've been sky high
May 04 20:48:40 [enden] I pricked my finger to check my blood sugar
and it was flowing out like a volcano almost
May 04 20:48:52 [enden] got blood all over my keyboard
May 04 20:49:35 [enden] have a feeling if I'd taken 4-500
reality would have been starting to give way
May 04 20:49:48 [hardone] I guess it thinned your blood too
May 04 20:50:03 [enden] my pupils were super-dilated
May 04 20:55:21 [enden] not really sure that's something I want to do again anytime soon
May 04 20:56:26 [enden] I'd say overall it was more good than bad
May 04 20:56:38 [enden] the bad part was just like 1.5 hours of it
May 04 20:56:52 [hardone] Probably felt like 10 hours though
May 04 20:57:09 [enden] yeah, time was definitely slowed down
And that's the end. I hope this report has been illuminating, or at least entertaining. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd say it was a positive experience. The nausea I experienced took it down a notch, for certain. That peak window was definitely unpleasant, but that was partially because of the insulin/eating issues I described earlier. If I hadn't taken the insulin and decided not to eat anything, I think the peak would not have been as unenjoyable. I'd definitely recommend taking some kind of anti-nausea medication if you do decide to indulge in the glories. I'm not sure if it would completely ameliorate the negative effects of the seeds, but I think it would enhance the experience.
Until next time.
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