Friday, November 20, 2015


I finally got back from a few months of standing inside a room whose walls are covered in mirrors, doing an in-depth examination of my navel, and finally posted something new.

Poems and Prose #126 - Scenery

The philosopher asked me
if I am or if I'm not,
and I couldn't help but
purse my lips and shake my head a lot.

Thinkers, we conferred,
the lines between us blurred,
and we spent several hours asking
the other if they'd said what we just heard.

Poems and Prose #125 - Lordship

I kneel before the throne
and grovel,
my pride quite marred
and hubris hobbled.

Without my assent,
my hung head bobbles,
this moment of subservience,
indeed, quite novel.

The king's scepter raised,
his voice doesn't wobble,
as he decrees my slumping form
the realm's official motto.

Poems and Prose #124 - Plank

Like dominoes, the mansions fell,
where heretofore the masters dwelled.

Booms filled the air, and ringing bells,
celebrating the moments before the joy's quelled.