Seeing as how this is a personal blog, I figured I would actually post something related to a personal experience I had for a change. My life is pretty boring, generally speaking, so this is somewhat unusual.
I'm an occasional drug user. Yeah, I guess that's not really an amazing revelation. Generally speaking, I only really indulge in cannabis, but I've had the chance to ingest a variety of drugs (except for hard stuff like heroin, cocaine, and all the "bad" drugs that DARE warned me not to even glance at lest I become immediately addicted and destroy not only my life but the lives of everyone within a 20-mile radius of my person.)
For the unaware, the seeds of the morning glory plant contain a chemical called lysergic acid amide. If that sounds somewhat familiar, it's because it is similar in chemical makeup to another substance called lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, a powerful hallucinogen. LSA differs from LSD in a few key ways -- for instance, LSA isn't nearly as powerful as its chemical cousin, and it has more of a sedative effect than LSD, which is a stimulant in addition to a psychedelic.
The Heavenly Blue variety of the morning glory flower |
Seeing as how LSA is found in the seeds of the morning glory plant (and said seeds can be procured easily, from any lawn-and-garden store), it's not difficult to imagine that people will use it recreationally. Thus, I imagined myself taking LSA in a recreational fashion. A couple of years ago, I purchased a sizable batch of morning glory Heavenly Blue seeds (I believe it was 2,000 or so), anticipating that I would eventually consume them and experience the effects. Below is a recounting of said experience.
I typed this up as a submission to the fantastic Erowid's "trip report" archive. I'm not sure if it will be accepted and lodged into their archives, but I figured I would post it here as well for curious readers of my blog (whatever that small number is.) This is identical to what I submitted, with a few minor formatting changes. The report is after the break.
Approximately 400 Heavenly Blue seeds |