Saturday, July 11, 2015

Poems and Prose #123 - Moebius

I go ahead to where I've been,
hard, curly hair peeking out of my chin.
Can I justify my slanted grin,
mocking the trail of shadows on which I depend?

I fight off the urge to stamp my heels down and spin,
to relive relived moments again.

Poems and Prose #122 - Among

Some derelict groans
just past my door,
some time between
three a.m. and four.

The noises add up
into some perverse score,
and I find myself longing,
in the silence, for more.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Poems and Prose #121 - Eden

The curse of consciousness
twists my brain into a pretzel,
each present moment
serving as but another point
at which I remember or foresee.

I glance down
at my clothed body
and feel shame,

Poems and Prose #120 - Artifice

The realness of
the real world stings,
despite the lack of
stimuli it brings.

I wonder:
could there be other things,
nestled between
solid molecules and dreams?

This question is just one
among reams.