Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dialogue #10

(+) Your drink's on the house.
(-) Good to hear,
    or else your bed'd be
    under the house.

Mental Blips #9 - Morphed

The devil whispered in my ear,
turning the wax to yellow-brown crystals.

Mental Blips #8 - Summit

Incongruent confluences
of conspicuous consumption
make this capitalist wince uneasily,
atop this twisted pile of garbage.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Poems and Prose #92 - Hyperbola

Complicating matters
synchronize in pulsing fits
of swift, gyrating patterns.

Mathematically, of course,
it's quaint indeed to feel remiss,
but sinful, aye, to clutch remorse.

And having seen these jots,
haphazard as they are, and crisp,
the world's equations find no loss.

Fecund words now gather mold,
the darkened room damp with spit,
and I embrace this curling fold.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Poems and Prose #91 - Sprinkle

Water condenses
into teardrop-shaped balls,
and falls and falls,
following the edicts of
some long-declared laws,
whose calls are upheld
by the taut, gangly arms
of some sight-unseen god
that trods on the dirt
of lands he never quite oversaw,
except through a spyglass,
through a dense cloud of fog.

The chilled liquid
hits my face
and then impacts the sod,
returning once more
to the home it never
quite escapes for very long.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Poems and Prose #90 - Speculated

Have a seat,
and gaze into
this glowing orb,
to see your future
in the glorious throbs,
in five-second chunks
that span
five dozen years
of days
that just might
lie ahead,
assuming the winds
blow just right.

Gaze with me,

Poems and Prose #89 - Dug

A million years
made a molehill
into a mountain,
and a valley
into a slightly
deeper valley.