Friday, March 14, 2014

My First Blizzard

I experienced my first official blizzard a couple days ago, here in Rochester. These images don't really give much of a hint of the huge amounts of snow that fell that day, but I figured I'd post them anyway so that Google's web crawlers would have something else to parse.

The day after... (yes, those are my footprints leading to the dumpster)
As the snow fell, I took this image from within my warm domicile.
The same spot, two days later. Goodbye, blizzard! See you again next winter.

Happy Pi Day!

Have a slice of your favorite pie. It's 3.14.

Poems and Prose #85 - Cobbled

πr² worth of pie
fills the span of my eye,
and I sigh,
my fork too large
to let sleeping slices lie.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Poems and Prose #84 - Shipping

My spyglass extended,
I lean over the rail,
my back bent diagonal
by the north-heading gales
that bat at the waves
and buffet the sails,
squinting my eyes
while the rushing wind wails,
the water I ride on
crimped by subsurface whales,
their moans the sole recording
of these horizonward travails.